• Pvp Serverlerinizi buradaki sitede ayrıca tanıtabilirsiniz.


  1. XCoDeX

    XenForo 2.3.0 & Add-ons Released

    🚨 It's time to party like it's 2022 2023 2024! Today we are very pleased (and relieved) to announce the stable release of XenForo 2.3.0 and our official add-ons. It has been a long time coming so we thank you for your patience and support. There are a myriad of new features and improvements...
  2. XCoDeX

    XenForo 2.3.0 Release Candidate 4 & Add-ons (Release Candidate 3) Released (Unsupported)

    This week in addition to a bunch of bug fixes, we've also been doing a spot of housekeeping in our code. The following is quite technically heavy so if you're a non-developer, shield your eyes and read the less boring bits. Much wider usage for class strings As a reminder, XenForo 2.3 brings...
  3. XCoDeX

    XenForo 2.2.15 Released

    Hot on the heels of yesterday's XF 2.2.14 release and subsequent patches, we are today making XenForo 2.2.15 available for all licensed customers to download. We strongly recommend that all customers running previous versions of XenForo 2.2 upgrade to this release to benefit from increased...
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